Sunday, January 16, 2011

UFWL Draft pick #23: HBK Shawn Michaels

The 23rd UFWL draft is none other than the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. The UFWL Board of Governors went back and forth on this one, not wanting to deal with HBK's attitude and to be perfectly honest had he not changed his act in the later part of his real career, we would not have wanted him to be a part of our fantasy wrestling promotion.

There is no doubt Shawn is a tremendous talent, but our Commish was not a big fan of his DX days, and his drafting likely means the UFWL will pass on Vince's son in law Triple H. We drafted Shawn because he is a good worker. He can compete in many different kinds of matches, and he can be a legit threat for the UFWL World Title.

We are not looking for him to renew his feud with Brett Hart; in fact he was drafted with the understanding that there will be no shanigans in our locker room. Ted Dibase had a clause written into Michaels contract with the UFWL that if there are any confrontations with Hart that both men will be fired immediately.

Just because we placed Michaels in the World Title division, and Hart in the North American division is not a judgment on either career, we simply had to keep these two men separate. There was so much bad blood between them, we saw no way for them to compete against one another. Frankly we thought their very real feud hurt their wrestling company in the late 1990's and we have no desire to bring that kind of unrest to our promotion.

Michaels may be one of the only wrestlers we draft to our fantasy promotion and plan to use him as we saw him past his prime. No doubt the late 1990's Michaels was the WWE Champion and a force to be reckoned with, but it our estimation once he came back in the early part of the 2000's his attitude was so much better that it really made his character a lot more fun to watch.

More UFWL Draft picks

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