Saturday, December 18, 2010

UFWL names new commish

Ted Dibase, the Million Dollar man, has not only bought into the UFWL but he will now be serving as its new commissioner. Navy, our former commissioner, has been moved to the head of talent relations after a few legal issues and a confrontation with a particular TNA executive with very white hair.

Since the UFWL President, AJ Sager, is a total and complete jackass, Ted had to come in and save the company from a financial shortfall and get a wrestling guy in charge of the wrestling operations. Of course with a new owner and commish we now have to announce more changes.

The first being is that Raven has been released from his UFWL contract. Ted Dibase wants the structure of the UFWL to be as follows: five wrestlers in the Super Heavyweight division. These five men will also be eligible to compete for the UFWL World Title. The World Title division will have 10 men as will the North American division. Randy Savage, DDP, and Rob Van Damn have all been added to the NA division. The Tag division will feature five teams, and the cruiser weight and women's division will also feature five wrestlers each.

Ted will now control the wrestling side of the business, with Navy taking care of the talent, and talent acquisition. The search continues for a head fro the creative team. Although several interviews have yielded a number of qualified candidates.

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